Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Unit 4 His Girl Friday

In the film the role of women is reversed from one would consider the cultural norm of the time. This norm being one where women are, the home makers and aren't supposed to be having a successful career among men. Hildy is the contradiction to the sexist claim women, are homemakers she has a career, talks and dresses like a man. She wears a suits instead of an apron, and she excels at her career because she precisely gets by on her talent and being a woman in a mans world. It's kind of a paradox to see that she can get into the newspaper business while, husband Bruce is apparently the more feminine one in their relationship. This paradox changes when Hildy says she wants to leave the newspaper business and ultimately settle down and be a mother. However, having lived in a mans world her entire life, would Hildy throw away her career and being the dominant force in her marriage all for children. I truly don't think she could give up her career.

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