Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Unit 11 Babadook

The concepts of gender and horror have long been intertwined. Gone are the days where women can’t do anything but scream and be murdered in the shower by a cross-dressing, mother obsessed serial killers. Now women in horror can fight back and not just be sex objects or annoying characters to be killed off, an example of this would be Shelly Duvall in the Shining as an example for both cases. Amelia in the Babadook first refuses to accept that her, son has seen the creature and doesn’t believe that it’s after them. She is a prime example of the old horror trope, that she is an ignorant woman that refuses to believe the supernatural horror that is attacking her and her son. Amelia realizes that her son’s fears are real and manifesting upon her, when after she rips up the book, it rematerializes in front of her, after she rips up the book and even burns it. Amelia then becomes the possessed host for the creature that’s been tormenting her, and he makes her kill her dog, like the book predicted. Amelia’s son uses her possession against her and makes a trap for the Babadook in the cellar, making Amelia vomit the monster out of her. This gives rise to Amelia getting the courage inside of her to stop being defenseless and break the stereotype of horror female, and confront the demon to save her family. Amelia banishes the demon from her home but later it’s revealed that she has the demon captured in the cellar, so it can’t hurt her anymore.

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