Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unit 7 Annie Hall

I think that Woody Allen' type of comedy is successful today, because in Annie Hall, Allen virtually creates the improve comedy film. Annie Hall relies on the typical tropes of Woody Allen movie with the jazz music and other things commonly associated with his film, while making you genuinely feel for Allen's character and his neurotic relationship tendencies. The scenes rely on Allen and Keaton's chemistry on screen as well as Allen's own neuroses to feel their "realness" to their relationship. The scenes where Ivy reflects back on his childhood are especially comedic given his timidness to ask his mother for any dating or relationship advice. I think that in these scenes people can relate to Ivy and the type of improve Allen does so well, certainly having been in similar situations during their adolescent years. Allen is very successful on using improvisation to his advantage and his own comedic awkwardness to successful get us to laugh at a character who we can truly relate with due his strange relationship history. Annie Hall I feel is one of the best examples of Allen as a comedian because it gives Allen a chance to be in the spotlight to his comedic talents, unlike today where that comedic edge is behind the camera.

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